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Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Printable Version

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Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Michael Willis - 04-08-2018

For a number of months I've been working on a reverb plugin. I can't take credit for the algorithms, it uses Freeverb3. It was initially intended to be a simple port of Hibiki so that I could run it natively on Linux, but it has kind of taken on a life of its own. I simplified the parameters quite a bit (some might say too much), tinkered around with presets a bit, and I implemented a spectrogram so that you can visually see how the parameters influence the decay times across the frequency range. A man from the Netherlands named Rob van den Berg created most of the graphical interface, I only did the response chart.

[Image: screenshot.png]

I have a working prerelease available for Linux and Mac. The framework I'm using does support compiling VSTs for Windows, but I don't have Windows and haven't found anybody else to try the Windows build.

Here's the Mac VST:

Here is the release page with links to other builds, including LV2 plugins and a standalone app for Linux:

Any testing and feedback would be greatly appreciated!

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Samulis - 04-09-2018

Lookin' good!

I can give it a shot on Windows if you want. Otherwise, I can take it for a spin on my Mac later this week.

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Mattias Westlund - 04-09-2018

Looks great! I'd be happy to ty it on Windows also.

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Michael Willis - 04-09-2018

Thanks! Let me see what I can do about building a Windows version.

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Otto Halmén - 04-09-2018

About time someone dusts off this old gem! Great initiative! Smile

I'll wait for the Windows version, as I'm currently without a Mac VST host.

Also, have fun once you start tampering with the reverb algorithm. It's something of a rabbit hole. There's a reason reverb beard is a thing. Smile

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Michael Willis - 04-09-2018

(04-09-2018, 05:46 PM)Otto Halmén Wrote: There's a reason reverb beard is a thing. Smile

Reverbskägg! Ha! I'm certain the Swedish side of my ancestry would be proud.

Does anybody here have experience compiling C++ code on Windows? Getting this to build a Window VST might be as simple as cloning the git project, getting the dependencies (including OpenGL 2+ and FFTW3 libraries), and typing "make WIN32=true". Unfortunately I don't know which Windows C++ compiler is expected by Distrho Plugin Framework. On Linux it uses g++ and on Mac it uses clang.

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Mattias Westlund - 04-11-2018

(04-09-2018, 07:36 PM)Michael Willis Wrote: Does anybody here have experience compiling C++ code on Windows? Getting this to build a Window VST might be as simple as cloning the git project, getting the dependencies (including OpenGL 2+ and FFTW3 libraries), and typing "make WIN32=true". Unfortunately I don't know which Windows C++ compiler is expected by Distrho Plugin Framework. On Linux it uses g++ and on Mac it uses clang.

I have absolutely no idea. I probably know more about quantum physics than compiling C++.

Any chance you could do an x64 version as well?

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Michael Willis - 04-11-2018

(04-11-2018, 07:15 PM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: Any chance you could do an x64 version as well?

Yes, in fact I think I would only make the 64 bit version, unless somebody shows up politely asking for the 32 bit one. Confusingly, for historic reasons the term "win32" is still used, even for 64 bit binaries. I think it hearkens back to the days when "win32" was meant to distinguish from earlier 16-bit versions of Windows Confused .

I'm working on making a Windows VST available. So far it has been an exercise in frustration trying to compile it, but I'll succeed one of these days.

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Michael Willis - 04-12-2018

Ok, I think I built a Windows VST. I had to do some serious black magic to cross-compile from a different operating system, and I have no idea if it will work at all, but here you go:

(Is it normal for a Windows VST to be just a single dll file?)

RE: Dragonfly Hall Reverb - Samulis - 04-13-2018

Yes, it's normal to be a .dll.

I tried it in Reaper and Finale, but it wouldn't even get recognized by the plugin scanners. I don't know if there's a log somewhere for those, but no errors came up.