11-06-2016, 05:29 PM
OK, while I managed to meet my November 1 deadline (meaning: all tracks are structurally and compositionally finished) it seems like I have VASTLY underestimated how much detail work actually remains on this project. I transfered the project files and samples over to my stationary machine a few days ago to allow for easier and more comfortable editing, and since then I've been experiencing a growing feeling of despair. There... is... just... soooo... damn... much... work.... left. If the midi bit wasn't enough (adding or tweaking expression curves in 300 different places, editing velocities that jump out due to the shorter key travel of the black keys on the Keystation Mini 32, editing a boatload of sloppy performances) there's also the fact that I need to make this harshness-fest a bit more pleasing to the ear through judicious EQ'ing and maybe other processing as well.
While I could postpone the release, I'm reluctant to do so. I'm a pathological tinkerer and I need to get this out as planned or it will never be released at all. I have enough unfinished and unreleased projects lying around as proof of that this is what is going to happen if the process drags on for too long.
Anyway... in a couple of week's time I'm going to need a few sets of ears for listening through the whole thing. Just a bit of help with pinpointing anything major that I might have overlooked. I'm offering a free copy of the finished album for anyone who'd like to help out
While I could postpone the release, I'm reluctant to do so. I'm a pathological tinkerer and I need to get this out as planned or it will never be released at all. I have enough unfinished and unreleased projects lying around as proof of that this is what is going to happen if the process drags on for too long.
Anyway... in a couple of week's time I'm going to need a few sets of ears for listening through the whole thing. Just a bit of help with pinpointing anything major that I might have overlooked. I'm offering a free copy of the finished album for anyone who'd like to help out