(05-12-2018, 03:56 PM)peastman Wrote: Thanks! I'll get to work on those changes.
By the way, I found one other incorrect sample. On the Yamaha piano, Upright1_Sus_C0_vl3_rr2.wav is actually D0.
Have you thought about how to make these files accessible to users? Right now they're hidden where few people are ever likely to find them. If you browse the repository, you won't see them. If you download a zip of the repository, you won't get them at all. They aren't even mentioned in the readme.
Thanks, I'll check that piano sample out. Very weird that it's a D, I don't recall sampling any D's on that instrument! XD
Might be the samples got tuned wrong after cutting...
Well, currently they can be accessed easily by clicking 'branch' and selecting 'sfz'. I will probably put instructions in the readme for this as you suggest. At some point, I may put up a handy .zip folder, but we need to start versioning (#.#.#) our sfz releases then for that to make sense.
The ideal case atm is for people to actually sync to it with Github Desktop, that way when we change 4 files, they get changed and the user doesn't have to download a patch and apply it or, even worse, download the entire thing again. Unlike VSCO 2 CE, it looks like we're going to be updating this every week/other week or so for the foreseeable future, with possibly even more contributions from other folks too.
Edit- in this case, maybe a download video walkthrough makes sense!
Sample library developer, composer, and amateur organologist at Versilian Studios.