(04-22-2018, 04:53 AM)peastman Wrote:Quote:Distinguishing between conventions is really easiest done by ear.
Sure, but anything that involves listening to samples and manually tweaking each instrument is something I'm not planning to do. All I'm doing is writing a script to automatically generate sfz files. Once we're happy with its behavior, I'll point it at the top level folder, let it generate many dozens of sfz files, and then add them to the repository. The results won't be perfect and you'll certainly want to customize them. My goal is to automate everything that can reasonably be automated and produce files that are a good starting point for further tweaking.
Alternatively if you want to use the script to generate the files yourself one instrument at a time, I can add options to it for whatever customizations you think would be most useful. Attack, release, volume offset, and transposition are obvious ones. What else would you like?
In that case (a bulk generation), I'd say assume C3=60. I will probably standardize to that (and the rest of the standard outlined on the readme) with the instruments that aren't yet compliant, although that may take a while and I can't promise I'll catch everything. Mostly at this point, I'm just focusing on getting the samples selected/recorded and out there for the folks that are interested in using this sample set. I figure the housekeeping can mostly come later, although I've already done some minor housekeeping so far to keep things organized.
Having something which auto adds that dynamic filter I suggested for instruments with no velocities would be good for a bulk automapper. Other than that, the attack fade for sustaining patches... that would honestly need to be done manually, as there's no 'cheap' way to determine sustains from impulses that-I-know-of.
My only other thought is possibly making a .csv sheet that has metadata on all of the samples and circumvent the annoyance of trying to dig through the samples and their data. It could be generated and manually adjusted either on a per-instrument basis or for the entire thing (although the later would be hard to update in the future. Some of the data could be flags (such as IsSustain, IsMono, IsC3, etc.) which could trigger changes, others could be metadata not included in the file such as Perceived Loudness, UACC number, location, microphones, or tags/keywords. I think it would be fairly easy for the script to read data from that.
The only problem is that would take an enormous amount of time to generate by hand, even with the help of some tools and my excel scripting skills, as a lot of the data would need to be manually entered. I did some of that stuff for VSCO 2 CE for the freesound.org upload and it was a lot of work.
Sample library developer, composer, and amateur organologist at Versilian Studios.