(08-02-2019, 05:52 AM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: Sorry for the necrobump, but I was reminded of this thread.
Has anyone here watched Lost in Space on Netflix? I've steered away from it previously due to its 7+ rating and it being yet another remake, but I decided to give it a shot earlier this week and was pleasantly surprised. It's classic sci-fi with a focus on exploration, adventure and mystery rather than space battles and big explosions. Really high production values -- it even rivals The Expanse, in fact -- and to my joy it even has a real soundtrack! Coming across a show or film that is accompanied by actual music rather than drones and booms and endless string ostinatos is so uncommon these days that it really raised my eyebrows.
Heck yeah, I saw that maybe a year ago when it came out! Also pleasantly surprised. I thought the CGI, visuals, and acting was good, but if I remember, I wasn't as impressed with the writing. Soundtrack seemed nice, again, especially compared to the usual 'fart-and-jingle' stuff. IMHO, it isn't quite up to the level of the Orville soundtrack or classic soundtracks in the same vein, but it's a significant improvement on recent trends. Overall a really enjoyable little show I'd definitely recommend.
Also, very cool comparison is watching the original Lost in Space (in B&W no less!). Lots of interesting nods in the Netflix version and it helps provide some extra albeit different background. They're sufficiently different that I'd hesitate to call the Netflix version a remake, but perhaps more of an adaption for modern times/audiences.
Edit: Less sci-fi, but also interesting is 'The First', which is unfortunately a Hulu Original and may be hard to hunt down. It's very 'hard' sci-fi in the sense that it is a very believable portrayal of life in 10-20 years. However, instead of dealing with the technology, it deals primarily with the people and thus works as a more traditional drama. The music is simple compositionally, but surprisingly interesting and fits the theme. To me, the standout feature of the series is the acting, even if the writing can sometimes be a little whiplash-ish (e.g. 'this character was just feeling better and now they're mad for no apparent reason?'). It kinda bombed in the ratings (floating around a 6.5/10) and so was not renewed, but worth a watch just for the futuristic self-driving cars.
Edit 2: Also, just saw- the Orville is now moving to Hulu! Crazy!
Sample library developer, composer, and amateur organologist at Versilian Studios.