07-27-2017, 04:18 PM
Where did you get the sample from the beginning of "A Raven among Hawks"? I can hear someone scream "You Coward!" in german think the Audio of using these little clips is pretty atmospheric though. I like the generell composition. I feel like the Solo Cello (if that what it is) could use a bit more reverb to be a bit above everything, while sounding pretty unrealistic and out of that world, I dunno, if thats what you want. The strings at 1:42 could maybe use more fading in with a little line starting before they get really loud or something like that. Or maybe some other kind of transitation marked with percussion?
I think your use of key changes is pretty effective. I like the "scape" the strings do in the beginning with the very high, very soft strings. Also the two harps seem really to pay off, especially combined with the low strings it seems to make a really nice sound. Are you basicly playing a power chord in the deep strings at 1:00 or are my ears deciving me?
I think your use of key changes is pretty effective. I like the "scape" the strings do in the beginning with the very high, very soft strings. Also the two harps seem really to pay off, especially combined with the low strings it seems to make a really nice sound. Are you basicly playing a power chord in the deep strings at 1:00 or are my ears deciving me?