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Full Version: Dragonfly Hall high CPU usage
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Mattias, I just made a harebrained attempt at fixing the bug. Try out this and see if it works:

I only changed the Hall plugin, but if this works, I'll apply the same change to the rest of the plugins.
(04-12-2020, 03:53 AM)Michael Willis Wrote: [ -> ]Mattias, I just made a harebrained attempt at fixing the bug. Try out this and see if it works:

Thanks for trying to fix this Michael! Unfortunately, it only kinda works. It still happens on two of the three instances I have loaded. I can't really tell why one is spared and not the others, since it appears to be a different instance every time... maybe it's the one that last had audio going through it or something?

[Image: df2.jpg]
Well, at least it didn't make it any worse, LOL. You might have been right about the denormal thing, I'll try running all input through a denormalized countermeasure, hopefully I'll have something for you in a day or two.
GVST has a GNormal plugin that can allegedly remedy denormal issues. Let me try using that to see if it helps.
GNormal appears to do nothing. Whether that means the problem lies elsewhere or that the plugin doesn't work as advertized I have no idea.
Could you try this with three room reverbs, and then with three plate reverbs? I'm wondering if this problem only happens with the hall plugin, or if all of them exhibit the same bug.
OK, let's see. The bug appears in Medium Clear Room and Medium Dark Room, and intermittendtly in Medium Drum Room (i.e. CPU usage shoots up to 8-9% but then goes back down again). It doesn't happen at all in any of the plates I tried.

Edit: Oh now I get it, you meant three instances! I'm using three of everything across all tests Smile
Oh, interesting. The hall and room plugins both use the same really reflections algorithm, so the bug might be there. The plate plugin has no ER component. Could you try it again with three instances of the stand-alone Early Reflections plugin and see if you experience the same bug there?
Dragonfly Early Reflections shows no sign of this bug, it sits happily at 0.3% CPU regardless of how long it's idling.
(04-13-2020, 09:52 AM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: [ -> ]Dragonfly Early Reflections shows no sign of this bug, it sits happily at 0.3% CPU regardless of how long it's idling.

Hmm... in the words of my father, "shot that idea right out of the sky". There must something else that the Hall and Room plugins have in common that is causing this bug. I can't promise anything, but I'll see what I can do.
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