Hi everyone!
I am interested in cheap and light orchestral libraries and Amadeus Symphonic Orchestra and VSCO Pro catch my eye! How are this two libraries compared? Both products are the same price now with the Versilian deal and both seem a little bit overlapping to me, so I only want to buy one.
Thank you!
I have never used Amadeus, so I can't really speak to that. Judging from the sound demos, it sounds nice if a bit dated compared to modern stuff (I don't mind it, but it should be mentioned). I do have VSCO 2 Pro though, and I would heartily recommend it UNLESS your goal is doing epic cinematic music. VSCO, being a chamber orchestra, is much smaller in scale and sound and not really suited for that kind of stuff. For more classical oriented music, or generally any non-epic orchestral scenario, it's great. It has tons of wonderful solo instruments so I would in fact recommend it as a companion to any larger lib that might be lacking in the solo department. The only real complaints I can think of is that I'm not a huge fan of the strings, and some instruments have annoying timing issues, i.e. slow/delayed note attacks.
I am going for Amadeus since I am more into Epic music and I like the Brass a lot. Maybe in the future I will buy VSCO 2 Pro because it is true that It has a different sound and it is a good complement to Amadeus. Other options are Miroslav CE and GPO but that ones sound much more dated to me. I also have Kontakt 5 and it's Factory Library has some hidden gems, but it is a mixed bag...