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I have in my library a soundfont called BigSymphny.sf2 it's 32MB and I believe its an whole ensamble. I load it in via SForzando but I don't really know when every instrument starts and ends...which notes all the strings belong to. It sound very huge so it's really hard to say what instruments playing where on the keybord in SForzando.

Cello from C1 to?
Violins from ? to ?

I'm not that good reading notes

Hope you don't mind helping me with this?

Download: BigSymphny it's ok. I used it for several years. I hope it works.

I have converted it to SFZ file via SForzando and its here. I only see Violin L & R in this file. And "//bad loop! loop_start=0 loop_end=0" in every region.

You know you can look up standard orchestral instrument ranges online, right?

If you call MIDI note 60 'C3', then the ranges are:
Violin: G2-C6+
Viola: C2-F5+
Cello: C1-F4+
Contrabass: C0 or E0-C3+

It is often easiest to think and work with the MIDI note numbers in this case. 'Middle C' is always 60, but different software can all that note C3, C4, C5, c, or many other names. The next C up is 12 higher, or 72... the C below is 12 lower, or 48. In this way, if you know your multiples of 12, it is easier to think about the octaves.

Typically, ensemble patches make the lower instruments have shorter ranges, so they overlap less with the higher voices (or sometimes no overlap at all). This helps make the ensemble sound more realistic, as you would most likely not write cellos playing C3 in unison with violas.

In general, when using such a patch, it is not common to consider the actual instruments, but rather use it as a basic pad for sketching ideas (like an organ or piano). In this use, 'block chord voicing' is typical. When you wish for more accuracy, consider using individual sections and writing each part on a separate channel.

As always, be careful equating 'sf2' and 'sfz'. Despite having similar names, they are very different formats and may not be entirely cross-compatible.
Thank you Smile