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I'll wait. Smile
(03-29-2018, 03:30 AM)bigcat1969 Wrote: [ -> ]I'll wait. Smile

Oh, and I'll need about... hmmm... $20,000 in capital, minimum. Got any trust funds or something lying around I could use? Perhaps private friendships with wealthy oil barons or software tycoons? I'd sure appreciate it. Rolleyes
Hum counts all money... I'm only about 19,980 dollars short... Did you say something about a free saxophone in VCSL?
And too all a good night.

PS And seriously loving that Saxello! Someone do the SFZ you all will love it.
Downloaded it yesterday. Haven't had much time to spend with it yet, but I am very excited to dig in. I'm happy you added an ocarina, too. I've always enjoyed those little instruments. I have one, actually, but it's been so long since I practiced, and I don't really have a good space to practice in. So it's nice to have some solid samples.
(03-30-2018, 02:31 AM)Nayrb Wrote: [ -> ]Downloaded it yesterday. Haven't had much time to spend with it yet, but I am very excited to dig in. I'm happy you added an ocarina, too. I've always enjoyed those little instruments. I have  one, actually, but it's been so long since I practiced, and I don't really have a good space to practice in. So it's nice to have some solid samples.

Thanks Nayrb! It's just a little ocarina in there now, but I just sampled my "regular-sized" one (a rather cheap instrument, but hey, it's better than nothing) and that will be up in a few days as soon as it's cut.
I have another mic question. My mic's manual has a frequency response graph that is flat from about 100Hz to 1kHz, then it has two bumps around 4kHz and 10kHz that are about 10dB louder. Under 100Hz it ramps down a little bit, and like any dynamic mic it drops off a cliff around the 14kHz/15kHz (although I'm not sure how much I can hear up that high anyway). I'm wondering if while recording I should try to EQ down the bumps around 4kHz and 10kHz, and maybe increase a little bit in the ultra-low frequencies?

Edit: I see that the guidelines documented on the github project specifically state:
Quote:These recordings shall not be processed with the exception of (1) tuning, (2) mild eq'ing to fix microphone problems, and (3) noise reduction (if necessary).

Unless given more specific direction, I'm going to try #2 to flatten out the frequency response a bit.

Edit #2: I'm considering measuring the frequency response for myself by feeding random white noise through the mic, instead of just trusting the manual. Then I can adjust the EQ to try to flatten out the response from the white noise.
(03-30-2018, 04:15 PM)Michael Willis Wrote: [ -> ]I have another mic question. My mic's manual has a frequency response graph that is flat from about 100Hz to 1kHz, then it has two bumps around 4kHz and 10kHz that are about 10dB louder. Under 100Hz it ramps down a little bit, and like any dynamic mic it drops off a cliff around the 14kHz/15kHz (although I'm not sure how much I can hear up that high anyway). I'm wondering if while recording I should try to EQ down the bumps around 4kHz and 10kHz, and maybe increase a little bit in the ultra-low frequencies?

Edit: I see that the guidelines documented on the github project specifically state:
Quote:These recordings shall not be processed with the exception of (1) tuning, (2) mild eq'ing to fix microphone problems, and (3) noise reduction (if necessary).

Unless given more specific direction, I'm going to try #2 to flatten out the frequency response a bit.

Edit #2: I'm considering measuring the frequency response for myself by feeding random white noise through the mic, instead of just trusting the manual. Then I can adjust the EQ to try to flatten out the response from the white noise.

You can do an eq pass however you'd like. The frequency response is generally fairly accurate as listed, so working off of that isn't a bad idea. Note that running white noise into it will also pick up the characteristics of the speaker, and to some extent, the space. The best way to do it is to measure with the mic and then a flat-response test measurement microphone and compare them, but those are very expensive. Sad
Got the Kontakt Saxello and Small Ocarina out on the blog...
In my continuing effort to avoid anything complex like say harmony, I made a little lonely bird with dyspepsia demo for the Ock.

70 to 100 range downloads for the various for the VCSL Kontakt stuff. Not tearing down the house like VSCO the 2, but a few folks have noticed.
(04-03-2018, 06:04 PM)bigcat1969 Wrote: [ -> ]Got the Kontakt Saxello and Small Ocarina out on the blog...
In my continuing effort to avoid anything complex like say harmony, I made a little lonely bird with dyspepsia demo for the Ock.

70 to 100 range downloads for the various for the VCSL Kontakt stuff. Not tearing down the house like VSCO the 2, but a few folks have noticed.

Sounds good! Smile

I think this one is going to slowly seep out the door for a few months as it slowly grows. Already up to 5 GB total so far! Most people don't want to even touch it with a ten foot pole until it has been all converted to SFZ/VST/whatever, per usual.
Wow I should re-download I think I only got the 3 gig pack. Nice work.

Yeah once the sfz/vsts get done people will get interested I suspect. As much as I like Kontakt, the intersection of the twin circles of I own Kontakt and I want whatever bigcat is pushing is somewhat small. The intersection of the I'm broke and the I want free vsts/sfzs circles is much, much larger.

As an example the NSynth samples Kontakt stuff I did had some interested folk, largely marketed as retro. The VST choir version has been mentioned all over the interwebs and has a fair amount of action for me, likely on VST4Free and is hosted several other places, Youtube vids all that stuff. Now if only someone had a really nice harp vst they wanted to push... but you cant have everything! ;P

The pipe organ is the one in VSCO2 and the Harp is the EW2 that you already did the VST for correct? Don't want to duplicate stuff we have already done.
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