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Awesome. Love your Kontakt versions based on the video! Nice clean, simple interface. I'm jealous.
(05-06-2019, 05:50 PM)bigcat1969 Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome. Love your Kontakt versions based on the video! Nice clean, simple interface. I'm jealous.

All credit on those goes to Simon Autenrieth! Same guy who designed all the other (recent) Kontakt GUI's.

(05-06-2019, 05:49 PM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, that dulcimer sounds wonderful! Very dynamic and expressive, which I think is slightly unusual for sampled dulcimers. At least the ones I have have very few velocity layers. Looking forward to this one!

It has 3 dynamic layers if I recall correctly, but I think I only ended up doing 1 or 2 RR as the sustains are insanely long. I did sample duplicate notes across the courses, but the main thing I haven't done yet is decide where to have it switch courses (the demo unrealistically layers the duplicates, which kinda gives it a larger sound in the mid-range).

The thing lives in my closet (no joke), so I could always try another pass at sampling it too. XD
Well tell Simon he rocks!
Browsing through the SFZs I can only say how impressed I am and how much I'm enjoying going through the folders and finding out what a friction idiophone is. Big Grin
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