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Sorry for going a tiny bit OT here, but...

Sam: how do you create the release samples? Is there some (semi)automated way of doing it or do you have to actually sit around and cut/paste the tail portion of x amount of wave files?
(04-26-2018, 07:08 PM)peastman Wrote: [ -> ]There are a few instruments that are pitched, but the samples are labeled as if they weren't.  For example, the wine glasses and the timpani.  Even though each sample corresponds to a particular pitch, they're just labeled as "glass1", "glass2", etc.  If you like I can rename them to include notes, then process them as pitched instruments so the intermediate notes will get filled in.

Sure. Some of them may not be exactly in tune, though... it may be better if I pass them off to a sample editor who can tune and process them correctly, then I can replace the existing samples.

If you do decide to make the change, push any sample changes to the master so I can fold them over into that to make life easier for other developers. Stick a note.txt file with any tuning changes you think are needed.
The only tuning I'm doing is with tags in the SFZ files, no modifications to the actual samples. So that shouldn't be a problem.

I have done some renaming of files and minor changes to directory structure. I'll have to backport those to the master branch.
(04-26-2018, 08:10 PM)peastman Wrote: [ -> ]The only tuning I'm doing is with tags in the SFZ files, no modifications to the actual samples.  So that shouldn't be a problem.

I have done some renaming of files and minor changes to directory structure.  I'll have to backport those to the master branch.

My point is rather that if you label them with pitches, someone else in the future will invariably come along and map them verbatim, then complain that the samples are out of tune. Perhaps you should go ahead with the rename now, eventually in the future I will have the samples themselves tuned, just then you'll need to update them and remove any tuning adjustments in the files.
(04-26-2018, 07:53 PM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for going a tiny bit OT here, but...

Sam: how do you create the release samples?  Is there some (semi)automated way of doing it or do you have to actually sit around and cut/paste the tail portion of x amount of wave files?

It can be automated if you're really smart about it (e.g. reaper users), but otherwise, it's mostly copy and paste (Audition has a nice 'save selection as' function for when I'm doing it by hand). For some instruments, they have to be recorded separately (e.g. guitar, piano), but for others, the mechanism coming back up works well (e.g. harpsichord).

For sustaining instrument, it works well with wet samples- just save from where it starts to fade out (starting at a zero crossing) to the end and use that as a release. Really adds a lot of realism to wet sustains!
(04-26-2018, 09:14 PM)Samulis Wrote: [ -> ]It can be automated if you're really smart about it (e.g. reaper users)

Hmm, yeah. My first thought was to create regions of just the releases and then render them automatically... but then you would also need to create separate regions for hundreds of notes, and name the regions so that the auto-rendered files have the correct names. Which is admittedly faster than having to paste a copied bit and save it as a new file manually, but still. Maybe there's a more clever Reaper trick for this.
I've come across a few incorrect samples that aren't what they claim to be.

For TX81Z, the file Piano 1_C0_53.wav is actually C6, not C0.  (But it already has a full set of samples for C6.)

For the Yamaha piano, the files Upright1_Sus_G5_vl1_rr1.wav and Upright1_Sus_G5_vl3_rr2.wav are actually G6, not G5.  (But there aren't any other samples for G6.)
(04-28-2018, 01:22 AM)peastman Wrote: [ -> ]I've come across a few incorrect samples that aren't what they claim to be.

For TX81Z, the file Piano 1_C0_53.wav is actually C6, not C0.  (But it already has a full set of samples for C6.)

For the Yamaha piano, the files Upright1_Sus_G5_vl1_rr1.wav and Upright1_Sus_G5_vl3_rr2.wav are actually G6, not G5.  (But there aren't any other samples for G6.)

I'll check these out tomorrow, and if needed, find replacements.
I went ahead with the pull request, but when I went to compare it to the sfz branch, those changes had not yet been made... do you want me to go ahead and merge those changes also into the sfz branch?
If you will forgive the impertinence here are a couple tuning notes...
In the small ocarina in believe that
ocarina_A#4_staccato0.wav is A
ocarina_C5_staccato0.wav is B
ocarina_F#5_sustain0.wav is G
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