The free Virtual Playing Orchestra 1.0 is now available to the public for download.
*** version 1.1 is now available
Click the following link to visit my web site to download the library:
For those that don't already know, this is mostly built from a combination of Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra, No Budget Orchestra, VCSO2-CE, Iowa samples, with the intent being to create a more complete free orchestral sample library than is otherwise currently available.
Thanks again to those who tested an early release, provided feedback, debugging.
Wow, congrats on the release Paul!
(11-04-2016, 07:32 PM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, congrats on the release Paul!
Thanks. I hope people find it useful.
(11-06-2016, 04:27 AM)Samulis Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations, Paul! I've just updated the VSCO CE page to include the VPO (if you don't mind me calling it that) under the "also check out" section of the downloads and wrote a little blurb endorsing it in the text wall to the left.
Thanks for helping to spread the word. I really appreciate it, but can you use
... as the link? It's a little safer to link directly to the home page in case internal links change.
(11-06-2016, 04:27 AM)Samulis Wrote: [ -> ]I also noticed Mattias made some changes to the sso subdomain as well.
Yes, I was surprised to see the SSO page content gone but it sure does draw attention to our libraries!
p.s. Thanks sooooo much for making so many of your samples freely available. That's what triggered my work on Virtual Playing Orchestra.
You're welcome Paul. I also think a big thanks is in line for Mattias from myself, as SSO was an inspiration for VSCO; it is just one big line of people being inspired.
I will update the webpage as soon as possible.
Now I just need to get enough people to buy instruments to keep my hosting costs under control, hahaha. :X
(11-06-2016, 11:35 AM)Paul Battersby Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, I was surprised to see the SSO page content gone but it sure does draw attention to our libraries!
(11-06-2016, 06:50 PM)Samulis Wrote: [ -> ]You're welcome Paul. I also think a big thanks is in line for Mattias from myself, as SSO was an inspiration for VSCO; it is just one big line of people being inspired.
Guys... SSO is history and the stuff you're building is the future. No thanks necessary, I'm just happy to see more and better free/open orchestral libs being developed. I'm sure your work will inspire others to do the same and hopefully we'll get something of an arms race going.
With enough momentum it will help attract the attention of the big commerical sample developers, and alert them to the fact that there IS actually a big demand for affordable VO libs that isn't just crippleware meant for luring people into their pro-level products.
Mentioned it
here as well, and shared the post on my facebook page.
Bring out the champagne! Thanks, Paul Battersby.
I'll wrap up the demo you've already heard a bit of shortly.
(11-06-2016, 07:01 PM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: [ -> ]No thanks necessary
Regardless, it's still well deserved. The SSO library is listed all over the place as the best free orchestral sample library. It's been of great value to many people like me.
(11-06-2016, 09:17 PM)Mattias Westlund Wrote: [ -> ]Mentioned it here as well, and shared the post on my facebook page.
Thanks for the support. I laughed when I read this quote after talking about VSCO2-CE and No Budget Orchestra on your personal web site:
"Virtual Playing Orchestra [...] is kind of like the handsome bastard child of all of the above."
Too funny!
I like it.
(11-06-2016, 10:52 PM)Otto Halmén Wrote: [ -> ]Bring out the champagne! Thanks, Paul Battersby.
I'll wrap up the demo you've already heard a bit of shortly.
I liked what I heard earlier. I hope you'll be able get some use out of the tremolo strings and the timpani roll, both of which I added after you started your composition, but if not, I'm already pretty certain what you'll have when you're done will be a good demo of the sounds.
I'm looking forward to hearing the finished product.